Your Home Needs Good Water

We are not only plumbers, we offer residential water treatment solutions to meet all of your home water needs. Can we fix a broken pipe, faucet or other common problems? Yes.

However, we specialize in full solutions to your water related problems and we typically fix problems that others can’t.

A Typical Duke Energy Setup Installed

Duke Energy Coal Ash Management Act

WaterPuro (WPC) was awarded a contract to install and provide quarterly and annual service for residents neighboring Duke facilities.



Removal of Hexavalent Chromium and Vanadium. Adjustment of pH levels where needed.



UV Disinfection for bacteriological treatment with a battery backup for continuous clean water.



Belews Steam Station

Buck Steam Station

Marshall Steam Station

Final Water Treatment

We specialize in making your water the very best. In this case beyond the UV light, we added Nitrate and Chemical free filters to the existing water softener.

You don’t need to remove your existing system, most likely we can enhance what you already have.

Years of Expertise & Professionalism

We are always excited to talk with customers about making their water the best it possibly can be.

We look forward to helping you on the phone or over an email. Contact Us here.

Here are a couple of common problems and questions people have. Our team in the Triad of North Carolina is eager to help you.

There are many things we can do to correct this problem. From water filters, UV lights and water softener systems.

A typical resolution to this problem can be a multi-stage water filer system. We can have one installed in less than a day.

The good news is hard water is not a hard problem to solve. Most likely a water softener will help to address this issue.

We specialize with better tasting water. Many companies can install water filters, however we specialize in fixing what they can’t. Expertise in better water. It is what we do.

Top rated at the Better Business Bureau (BBB) we have been in business since 1990.

Need further assistance?

Need help finding the answers you need? Let’s have a conversation.

How can we help?

Sometimes you may only need a water softener and we are OK with that too. We will look for the cause of your pluming problem, provide a solution to your problem and make the best recommendation for you to choose.

In residential applications, WPC uses Chem-Free (calcite and manganese dioxide) to boost pH and remove Fe/Mn​

Backwash and rinse of the media is activated by a control head such as the one shown in the picture​

Since the media is sacrificial, new media will need to be added to ensure that Fe/Mn are being removed and that the pH is adequate.  The media is added through a dome hole

In residential applications, WPC uses Chem-Free (calcite and manganese dioxide) to boost pH and remove Fe/Mn​

Backwash and rinse of the media is activated by a control head such as the one shown in the picture​

Since the media is sacrificial, new media will need to be added to ensure that Fe/Mn are being removed and that the pH is adequate. The media is added through a dome hole

Set Your Maintenance On Auto-Pilot

Water Softener Starter Plan


per Quarter

Perfect for homeowners who want automatic management of their water softener system.

Best Deal


Contact us and we will schedule some time for an estimate.

per Quarter

Ideal for small businesses.


per month

Company Plan

Bad water at work?

Looking for support for your company’s plumbing and water delivery needs for your manufacturing facility or store? We support many companies in the triad to have the best water possible.

Commercial & Industrial

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